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Fan Character Application Guidelines + Application Form

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Fan Character Application Guidelines + Application Form Empty Fan Character Application Guidelines + Application Form

Post by Raspykoo Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:48 pm

Welcome to the Fan Character Application Guidelines and Application Form.

Your application will also be scored on a four level system based on it's depth and character traits. If your character's species does not meet the required level, you will be asked to pick a different species.

Level 0.5- Less than 100 words, not clear to the reader, many grammar and spelling mistakes. Mary sue character, or cliche character. One dimensional character.
Will be asked to fix the story three times. Character will not be accepted into the RP after the third chance and if it's still at 0.5.

Species allowed at this level: None

Level 1- Clear to the reader, frequent grammar and spelling mistakes. Cliche character. 100 words on personality and at least 200 words on the story.
Character has a very small chance of being accepted. Will be asked to fix the story five times. After the fifth chance, it will not be accepted. If it's improved within the five chances it can move up to a level 2.

Species allowed at this level: None

Level 2-  Clear to the reader, some grammar and spelling mistakes. Less than 100 words on role playing entry. Character has a few cliche parts of their personality not expressed that well, but not too many. Around 200 words on personality traits and 300 words on the story.
Character can be accepted.

Species allowed at this level: Humans. Or every species in the Doctor Who universe and the TDU fan species except Time Lords.

Level 3- 500 words on personality traits and 800 words on the story. 100-200 words on role playing entry Very clear to the reader, few grammar and spelling mistakes. Character's cliches are unique in a way. Character has a good balance of strengths and weaknesses. Three dimensional character.
Character has a higher chance of being accepted.
Species allowed at this level: Every species of Doctor Who, and fan inventions of species.
Alien hybrid species are allowed at this level too, but not Time Lord animal hybrids.

Level 4- 600+ words on personality traits and 1000+ words on story. 300+ words on role playing entry. Above average application entry. Very clear to the reader, only one grammar and spelling mistake, or none at all. Character has an excellent balance of strengths and weaknesses. Three dimensional character.
Highest chance of being accepted!
Species allowed at this level: Every species of Doctor Who, and fan inventions of species.
Time Lord animal hybrids are allowed.
1. The character's species, history, or characteristics has to follow the Doctor Who canon, or follow any fan species in TDU. For example, if your character is a time lord that is on Gallifrey, make sure that you have researched enough information on Time Lord history. We don't have many fan theories to explain how life is like on Gallifrey for children or adults themselves, so we recommend we look at TARDIS wikia, which is where all information based on published works is collected. Here is a resource on Gallifreyan History. However, there isn't exactly a Doctor Who canon. If anybody can come up with fan theories to add to The Doctor's Universe, that would be useful. You can add this information in the "Fan theories/information" section under this category. If one or two of your character's characteristics or history doesn't match it's species traits or history, then give a strong and detailed explanation of why it's there..

2. The good thing about TDU is that you don't need to write much to join, however when you make a character application, your details are important as they will be used in role plays as a reference to the writer. As long as your character application is clear, and not overpowered/mary sue-like, then we will accept it. However the more details you put in, the higher chance your character application will be accepted into TDU. The more depth in your character, the better it is.

3. Your character can not be a cliche character or a mary sue. Mary sues are a type of stock character that is "All-powerful" and has certain traits that are greater of it's species. A cliche character is a character that's personality is mostly stereotypical and overused. Your character can also not be a one-dimensional character, like a mary sue that experiences no growth or depth whatsoever.

4. All characters have to be approved before they are put in a role play. The approval process will take a while, depending on who is online.

5. Your character can not be too much like a character in the Doctor Who canon. Characters that share more than 5 traits of a Doctor Who character can automatically not be accepted, and will be asked to change once. If it is still too much like the character, then we will have to decline your application.

6. Animals are allowed, but don't make your animals have "special talking powers". Animals don't talk in this role-play to people, or Time Lords unless they know the animal's language. Animals can talk to other animals though. Animal-Time Lord hybrids are the exception. Animal Time Lord hybrids are not allowed, (they may be allowed in the future if somebody makes a fan theory to explain how this concept could work) but if it was allowed, somebody would have to be a level 4 at least. Time Lord animal hybrids are not anthropomorphic. They are animals that have features that Time Lords have, such as talking in different languages to other humans. If somebody can make a reasonable fan theory for this, then the species hybrid will be allowed.

7. Fan characters only. If you are looking to applying a canon character, go to the "Canon character application guidelines + application form"
Application Form
Sexual Orientation:
Sexual Relationship status:
Partner (name of husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend etc):
Nation (if there is a known nation):
City: (if there is a known city):
Number of Regenerations (Only if the character is a time lord. Please put the personalities, appearance, and gender for each regeneration in this order: Personality, Appearance, Height, Weight, and Gender: ):
Personality (Please go indepth):

Please post at this link to submit your form for Fan Character approval once you are finished writing.
Good luck! Don't submit it here.

Posts : 10
Join date : 2016-11-27

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